Labels and certifications
As part of its constant and sustained quest for optimum service quality, DOCOON has been awarded various labels and certifications by the leading digital trust organizations in France and Europe.
These various certifications are an important source of confidence for customers and the partner ecosystem.
At DOCOON, trust is our priority.

ISO 9001
Our management system for quality, continuous process improvement and customer satisfaction has been ISO 9001 certified for over 10 years.
ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 14001 and HDS Health Data Hoster
Our Saas platforms are hosted in France in secure data centers certified ISO 27 001, ISO 14001 and Hébergement Données de Santé (HDS). Our servers are HDS-certified for the hosting of personal health data.
ISO 27001
Docoon has obtained ISO 27001 certification, attesting to our highest level of security accreditation. Achieving this international standard testifies to our determination to continuously improve our processes, in order to satisfy our partners and customers.
Qualified eIDAS electronic certificates logo
Our customers benefit from the highest degree of authentication and integrity of their documents, thanks to Qualified eIDAS electronic certificates used through several HSMs (Hardware Security Modules) hosted in France and certified by ANSSI, enabling the signature of over 1,500 documents/second. All our dematerialized documents are time-stamped using a Qualified eIDAS certificate.
NF Z 42-013
Our electronic archiving for evidential purposes is certified NF 461 and complies with standard NF Z 42-013.
Docoon is a member of GS1 France, the worldwide standardization organization that enables companies to define and adopt common rules (standards) to facilitate the exchange of information between companies and trade. This commitment guarantees Docoon customers interoperability of solutions and continuity of services in all circumstances. For Docoon, this is the Interoperability Charter for electronic invoicing solutions.
The Forum National de la Facture Electronique et des Marchés Publics Electroniques (National Forum for Electronic Invoicing and Electronic Public Procurement) is an association whose mission is to promote the widest possible consultation between all French public and private sector players in the context of electronic invoicing deployment. Docoon has been a member since its creation, and participates in the standardization and construction of electronic invoicing solutions in collaboration with the DGFIP.
Label RGPD Privacy Pact 2022
DOCOON is committed to making the handling of personal data a major issue. Respecting and protecting data is at the heart of our concerns, and constantly guides our technological and commercial processes.
By obtaining the PRIVACY PROTECTION PACT label, Docoon is demonstrating its commitment to values and respect for the protection of personal data, and affirming its desire to be recognized as a data confident organization.
Docoon is a member of the Fédération Nationale des Tiers de Confiance, selected by its Board of Directors for the quality of its traceability and time-stamping of transactions passing through its platforms.
Docoon can act as a trusted third party in a dispute between one of its customers and one of the recipients of its messages, thanks to the precision and quantity of technical information collected during message processing or distribution.
DMA France & Signal SPAM
The members of DMA France offer an ethical and trusted multi-channel marketing service to companies and institutions.
Among other things, this label enables Docoon to set up the SIGNAL SPAM feedback loop, enabling Internet users to assert their right to object. All reports sent via the SIGNAL SPAM platform are forwarded in real time to the Docoon platform, which ensures that the Internet user's right to object is taken into account by the sender of the message.
Docoon is licensed as a telecom operator by ARCEP.