Support de communication neutre et universel, le courrier postal reste le support privilégié de nombreux documents : factures, bulletins de paie, devis, contrat, …
Média historique par excellence, il conserve encore toute sa pertinence.
Le coût élevé du COURRIER postal lié à l’affranchissement, mais aussi à l’impression et à la mise sous pli, implique naturellement pour les entreprises la recherche de solutions permettant d’éliminer le traitement manuel des envois.
- Courrier simple ou recommandé
- Personnalisation & Insertion de logos
- Impression N&B, couleur, recto, recto verso
- Mise sous pli
- Programming shipments
- Remise en poste
- Multi-diffusion (Mailing)
- Affranchissement Prioritaire ou Eco
- Enveloppes à fenêtre
- A4, A5
- Setting the unsubscribe link
- Issuing reports and sending statistics
- Accompagnement par un chef de projet dédié pour intégration applicative ou hybride (associée à des processus de dématérialisation)
Your business
Your industry
Whatever your needs, we have the right solution for your industry.
Test drive
the Docoon platform
Receive a no-obligation TEST account so you can test our solution on your own.
Receive technical
technical documentation
To integrate MULTI-CANAL broadcasting into your applications, software or websites, discover the simplicity of our API
Why Docoon?
A unique MULTICANAL platform
for your customer relations
Because for your company, every channel can become an opportunity to create added value, Docoon takes care of all your communications, whatever the volume, application or media:
A complete range
of access modes
For your business applications and dispatches, total ease of access thanks to the richness and flexibility of our interfaces and the availability of our customer service: APIs REST/SOAP, Web, MailtoSMS, etc...
A quality DNA
of service
Quality of service at the heart of all our processes (SLA, PQS, PCA, GTR): redundant infrastructure monitored 24/7 and 365 days/year to ensure the delivery of all your messages and benefit from availability of over 99.9%.
Managing ISPs, mobile and telecom operators, etc. To meet the most demanding applications and requirements, Docoon is committed to ensuring the delivery of all your messages, while maximizing deliverability.
Rapid deployment
and available 24/7 in Saas
Optimized cost-effectiveness, pay-as-you-go, adaptable to changing business needs