HR dematerialization

Docoon has developed its 100% compliant HR solutions to automate the transmission of pay slips to each employee's secure personal space.

Payroll & HR departments gain in efficiency, fluidity and security. Find out more about our electronic signature software.

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Since 2016 and the El Khomri law, the French government has been encouraging companies to dematerialize their HR processes, through the dematerialization of payslips.

The electronic version of the pay slip distribution process eliminates all manual tasks, archiving is guaranteed and secure, and distribution to employees is virtually immediate.

The user company benefits from an immediate and rapid ROI, and enhances its modern image through its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, thanks to reduced printing and reduced environmental impact.

HR dematerialization - API


The dematerialization of pay slips offers a number of advantages over paper and postal distribution, both for the issuing company and for the recipient employee:


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Ready to use and designed for performance and scalability, our API is compatible with common programming languages: SOAP / REST / GraphQL protocol APIs.

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A single API, a single access point to access all our digitalization and dematerialization services, and add value to your solutions, software or services.

Access modes

Use via API, Saas portal, Windows PLC, and test environment available to integrate and simulate our solutions

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Customer support

Available 24/7, a team of experts and project managers to support you in integrating and deploying our services

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Our API benefits from online documentation that our teams regularly update, and compatibility with the most common programming languages (PHP, Java, ASP, C++, Rubi, WINDEV, etc.).

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Service quality

With our SLA, PQS, GTR and PRA to meet the most demanding applications, our infrastructure is continuously monitored. It is redundant and has an availability of over 99.9%.

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HR dematerialization - megaphone 2 services

Docoon regulatory expertise

Electronic pay slips are encouraged but not mandatory:

It was born in 2009, but it's really since 2016 that the French government has been encouraging companies to dematerialize their HR processes, notably through the dematerialization of payslips. Find out more about PDP electronic invoicing.

Law 2009-526 (May 12, 2009): Birth of the dematerialized pay slip. The employee's prior agreement is mandatory.

Law n°2016-1088 (August 8, 2016) - Decree December 16, 2016
Loi El Khomri: Under this labor law, the employer can set up a dematerialized payslip solution without the prior agreement of employees.
However, the latter retain a right of opposition that maintains the right to receive their payslip in paper format.
The employer must ensure the completeness of the payslip and its retention for the company for a minimum period of five years.

Implementing strict terms and guarantees:

The dematerialized pay slip includes the same information and has the same value as a paper version, provided the following conditions are met:

  • Mandatory information identical to paper bulletin.
  • Distribution by the company to an employee digital safe.
    Guaranteed access for the employee for 50 years, or until the employee is 75.
  • Since 2019, employers have no longer been required to deposit pay slips in the employee's CPA (replaced by the CPF, C2P and CEC).
  • It is recommended (but not compulsory) that pay slips be signed by the company to guarantee the integrity of the issuer.
Docoon is officially PDP registered